Maize Eavestrough
Ottawa Eavestroughing and Siding
At Maize Siding & Eavestroughing Inc., the safety of our Customers and our Employees is always a top priority. We are actively monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and are taking precautionary measures to aid in keeping our communities safe. As an essential service to our customers, we are committed to applying the best known practices to help prevent the spread of disease and ensure we can continue to provide a high level of service.
Maize Siding & Eavestrough will be keeping recommended safe social distance and will not be shaking hands with customers, as suggested by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
If you would like to schedule a quote please contact us for assistance. While our physical office is closed until further notice, we are currently still taking on new customers..
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and cooperation during these uncertain and unprecedent times.